Evaluation of an Artificial Intelligence-Augmented Digital System for Histologic Classification of Colorectal Polyps

Authors: Mustafa Nasir-Moin, Arief A. Suriawinata, Bing Ren, Xiaoying Liu, Douglas J. Robertson, Srishti Bagchi, Naofumi Tomita, Jason W. Wei, Todd A. MacKenzie, Judy R. Rees, Saeed Hassanpour

Abstract: Colorectal polyps are common, and their histopathologic classification is used in the planning of follow-up surveillance. Substantial variation has been observed in pathologists’ classification of colorectal polyps, and improved assessment by pathologists may be associated with reduced subsequent underuse and overuse of colonoscopy…

JAMA Network Open. 2021;4(11):e2135271
DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.35271
© 2021 Nasir-Moin M. et al.