Preparing for the Next Pandemic

Annual influenza epidemics are like Minnesota winters — all are challenges, but some are worse than others. No matter how well we prepare, some blizzards take quite a toll. Each year, despite our ef- forts to increase the rates of influenza vaccination in our most vulnerable populations, unpredictable factors largely determine the burden of influenza disease and related deaths…

COVID-19 e percorso diagnostico nel paziente

L’infezione da Sars-Cov-2 rappresenta una sfida senza precedenti per la medicina moderna. Gli sforzi fatti per comprendere le caratteristiche microbiologiche del virus e le misure messe in atto per ridurre il numero di contagi hanno portato ad un parziale contenimento della malattia a livello mondiale. In questo breve documento sono contenuti alcuni elementi per l’adeguata gestione del caso sospetto in ambiente ospedaliero e territoriale al fine di ottimizzare manovre di contenimento e gestione del paziente…

COVID-19: An executive report

At a time when Italy and all world is dramatically faced with the challenge of the SARS-Cov-2 infection, hitting many aspects of human civilization, Commissione Salute of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei felt that it is part of its social responsibility to provide the society at large with an Executive Summary of the current status of understanding of origin, pathogenesis, and treatment of COVID-19 pandemic…

Considerations in prophylaxis and treatment of VTE in COVID-19 Patients

In the rapidly evolving management of seriously ill patients affected with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) there is usually insufficient evidence available to make true practice guidelines. The question responses represent the opinion of a group of venous specialists who have reviewed the currently available evidence and have communicated with specialists in high volume sites in the US and internationally…